

Acme Receipts

Receipts - (end of Sept. through Dec 31st.) This fundraiser begins each the fall. Scout families will receive an e-mail when the program begins.

Scouts will receive 50% share which will go into their troop account. To earn credit, please remember to put the Scout's name on each receipt.


Popcorn Fundraiser - Pecatonica River Popcorn

Every fall the Scouts participate in the Pecatonica River Popcorn Sale.

Each scout is asked to sell $450.00 or make a $75.00 donation to offset the money Scout should have earned for the troop. This goal can easily be reached by selling to family, neighbors, teachers, and friend's parents, as well as working at one or more of the booth sales we scheduled locally. Of course, parents are always welcome to take the order form to work also.

Contests and drawings take place throughout the sale if the Scout reaches the necessary goal. They can win cash or candy.

The 70% profit is shared by the Scout and the Troop. The funds raised will be placed in the Scout's account.

Popcorn is delivered mid-November. Payment in full is due at pick-up. Your supporters will then pay you when you deliver to them.

Pecatonica River Popcorn

Spaghetti Dinner

The event is held every spring and is huge success. The Scouts are the servers and the parents staff the kitchen and bake sale.

The Fellowship Hall at Faith Lutheran Church is decorated to look like an Italian Restaurant.

Guests enjoy salad, bread, a hearty plate of either plain sauce or meat sauce spaghetti, dessert and a beverage.

The  dinner is only $12.00 for adults; $8.00 for children ages 12 to 3; 2 and younger free.

The 50/50 Raffle and Patrol Sponsored Raffle baskets are also popular features at the dinner.